
The past days we spent in area on the other side of Horsham. Instead of sitting in the rainy Grampians (the weather has not improved yet …) we enjoyed some sunny days in the Arapiles. There is a little bit of bouldering, but not to much and the sandstone is by far not as good as in the Grampians.

Katinka in a V6 Traverse – Arapiles (Finja is enjoying the sun in the back)

We used the times to empty the area, pretty much all available boulders are climbed, next time we have to jump into our harness and go for some sport or traditionalroutes. Also we did a big clean up in our van. We sorted through all our luggagae, got rid of hidden rubbish and some dirt and mould. We bought some paint to protect the wooden construction within our van from pulling water and the sun was a big helper in letting everything dry.

Axel in „In Between Fear and Desire“, V10 – Arapiles

Now we’re back in Horsham, just having had a refreshing shower in the local Aquatic Center. We refilled our kitchens cupboards and watertanks and are prepared to return to the Grampians. The weather is still worse than we like it, but sitting in the van or in cafès is not a great alternative.

Finja playing with the Baby Roobiks Cube

Together with Yannick and Florien from Belgium we’ll return to the Stapylton Campground Boulders tomorrow, in hope for great success in Katinka’s Project „Happy Camper Traverse“, V9.

One Response

  1. Omi says:

    Ja, ich habe gestern schon mal geschrieben und euch meine Freudeüberdie schönen Fotos gesagt. Ich glaube aber, daß meine Mitteilung nicht angekommen ist . Finja sieht sehr intelligent aus, wie Axel früher. Mein Gott, wie ist die Zeit vergangen ! Ich genieße das daß ich das noch erlebe !
    Gestern habe ich auch Paula gehört . Schön ! Viele liebe Grüße, Omi

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