
We had some phenomenal weather just after finishing our roadtrip. The Sky was blue, we had a little bit of wind and the temperatures in the shade where quiet chilly. „Simplicity“ had always been one of the very last boulders in the whole area to be dry, since the crux of it goes straight through …


We tried to climb at the Campground Boulders on Thuesday, but the weather was not to pleasant. Katinka couldn’t warm up her body and lost her motivation to try hard and give her best. As she was finally ready to climb her project it started to hail…               We …


The past days we spent in area on the other side of Horsham. Instead of sitting in the rainy Grampians (the weather has not improved yet …) we enjoyed some sunny days in the Arapiles. There is a little bit of bouldering, but not to much and the sandstone is by far not as good …

Birthday Party

Shortly after our last post we had to celebrate a double birthday party. Paula and Finja both turned 1 year old on friday, 11th July. It was a rainy day, so we spent quite some time in a nice cafe together with Manu and Marie. The two little ones got surprised by some boxed and …

Wieder in Australien

Wir sind nun schon seit zwei Wochen wieder in Australien. Bali war uns ein bisschen zu warm, aber es war trotzdem sehr schön und auf jeden Fall eine Erfahrung wert, die wir sonst wahrscheinlich nie gemacht hätten. Danke nochmals an Werner und Elke. In den Grampians haben wir ein bisschen mit dem Wetter zu kämpfen. …

Simplicity is born

The past week was full of rain. After one day in Buandik where I tried my steep project together with my brother Jochen I found a good solution for how to do the single moves. I’ve solved the puzzle of the rock and only need to link all the moves together another day. Then we …

Back to Australia

Last week we rearrived in Australia. Our little holiday ended with an exhausing overnight flight back to Melbourne, where the immigration officers took a real close look at us. They pulled us out of the line and asked, why we would return to austalia after an such short absence of only nine days. We had …


When we first booked our flights we decided to stay in Australia for 5,5 months. To be allowed for so long we had two choices: Either apply for a 12 extended month tourist visa, or leave the country after 3 months. Since the extended visa would have cost us 100 Euro each, we decided to …


Etwa zwei Wochen habe wir nun in den Grampians verbracht. Nachdem dort im vergangenen Januar ein gewaltiges Buschfeuer gewütet hat ist der nördliche Teil des Nationalparks leider vollständig gesperrt. Genau dort befinden sich leider ein Großteil der Kletter- und Bouldergebiete. Der rote Bereich markiert den gesperrten Parkbereich Statt also wie geplant in der Hollow Mountain …

Rock climbing glossary

Every now and then I get asked, what is a V12? What is a „roof“ and what are Crashpads? To satisfy your thirst for knowledge I’ll explain some of the climbing vocabulary in this post. Bouldering: Bouldering is a type of rock climbing where you do not use a rope. The climbing will usually happen …